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140 News
Institutional communication
19 November 2015

ERAFP launches the English language version of its new website

Paris, 19 November 2015 – On 3rd November 2015, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) launched the English language version of its new website, The redesign of the website - a core component of ERAFP’s communications strategy - reflects its…

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Climate and biodiversity
13 November 2015

One Heart One Tree : an application for reforestation

A monumental work of art that will be started during the Paris Conference on the UN Climate, " One Heart One tree " connects the virtual and the real, technology and nature.

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10 November 2015

Investor Workshop on Carbon Foot Printing

Over two days, SSF travelled from Zurich to Geneva with the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) and a panel of Carbon Foot Printing experts, as well as asset owners currently implementing sustainable investment strategies, to discuss the topic of portfolio…

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1 October 2015

ERAFP teams up with Cedrus AM and amLeague to extend its work on decarbonisation

The French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has decided to extend its work on decarbonisation by teaming up with Cedrus AM and amLeague to establish, at the beginning of November, a virtual platform that managers can use to demonstrate their capacity to reduce the…

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22 September 2015

COP21 : what's that ?

The next United Nations climate conference, COP21, will be one of the biggest international summits.

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22 September 2015

COP21 : what's that ?

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25 August 2015

The COP21 to D-100 : where are we ?

The opening of the UN Conference on Climate Change will be in Paris on November 30, 2015. 195 countries are invited to reach an international agreement to keep global warming below 2 ° C.

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11 June 2015

Towards a less carbon intensive economy

Unless six months of the COP21, Philippe Desfossés comes back on the commitments made ​​at the Climate Week in Paris.

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27 May 2015

ERAFP updates the carbon footprint measurement of its portfolio of shares in major publicly traded companies and joins the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition

ERAFP updates the carbon footprint measurement of its portfolio of shares in major publicly traded companies and joins the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition

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22 May 2015

ERAFP updates the carbon footprint measurement of its portfolio of shares in major publicly traded companies and joins the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition

Following up on its signature of the Montreal Pledge in 2014 and the commitment made with three other French institutional investors (see the press release of 21 May), ERAFP updated the measurement of the carbon footprint of its stock portfolio as of 31 December 2014. This…

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Shareholder engagement
12 March 2015

ERAFP publishes its voting policy and clarify its shareholder engagement strategy

In accordance with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), of which it’s signatory, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has updated its guidelines for shareholder engagement and a policy on voting at shareholders' meetings for 2015.

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5 March 2015

ERAFP awards three euro-denominated SRI credit bond mandates

ERAFP awards three euro-denominated SRI credit bond mandates

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