ERAFP selects consulting firms specialised in evaluating climate change related risks and opportunities
An innovative housing scheme for civil servants in the Paris region
An innovative housing scheme for civil servants in the Paris region
An innovative housing scheme for civil servants in the Paris region
The French Directorate-General for Government Administration and the Civil Service (DGAFP), the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) and the SNI real estate group have signed an agreement that will enable civil servants in the Paris region to reserve low-rent…
Wishes 2017
The members of the board, as well as all ERAFP services, wish you a happy year 2017, full of your hopes.
#ParisAgreement : ERAFP's contribution !
This Friday, November 4 will remain a historic date for the planet in terms of energy transition and climate change.
ERAFP launches a tender to select one or more consulting firms specialised in evaluating climate change related risks and opportunities
ERAFP signer of the Declaration of investors in Bangladesh factories
The fire in the plastic packaging plant Tampaco Foils in northern Dhaka September 10, 2016 killed 34 and fifty wounded. It is the deadliest industrial accident in Bangladesh since the collapse of Rana Plaza in 2013.
FIR published his book dedicated to article 173-VI
Article VI-173 is extracted from the law devoted to the Energy Transition to Green Growth.
ERAFP and the climate
To better publicize its activities in SRI, ERAFP published a fact sheet.