ERAFP participates in Climate Chance
- 22 September 2016
From September 26 to 28, the city of Nantes receives the World Summit the non state players of climate.
"Climate Chance" brings together communities, unions, scientists, companies, associations, citizens around the world.
This first edition follows the climate generations Spaces organized at the COP21.
The event helps to promote dialogue and share the experiences of local and international civil societies. And it installs as a time regular meeting between organizations / individuals involved in the fight against global warming.
Philippe Desfossés, director ERAFP, will participate in the session "What finance (really) green?", with Anne-Catherine Husson-Traore, Director General of Novethic, Eric Loiselet Administrator Ircantec and Jean-Guillaume Peladan, Head of ESG Research Sycamore.
The features and environmental safeguards green funds will be at the heart of the debate.
The entire program is available here.