Public report - 2018
- Publié le : 02/09/2019
- Mis à jour le : 12/12/2022

In accordance with the recommendations of Article 173 of the Law on Energy Transition for Green Growth, which is of particular importance to French institutional investors, the third part of this report, devoted to the implementation of the institution's SRI policy, follows the following progression:
- presentation of the general approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues ;
- information to contributors on ESG;
- ESG analysis method
- impact of the ESG approach in the implementation of the investment policy, asset class by asset class;
- engagement strategy and related actions.
The recommendations of the G20 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) provide a complementary reading of how companies take climate issues into account. ERAFP is also working to implement them.