ERAFP launches a call for tenders from investment companies for the allocation of financial management mandates
- 17 July 2012
Paris, 17 July 2012 – In connection with the diversification of its asset allocation, the French Public Service Additional Pension Scheme (ERAFP), is launching a restricted call for tenders for the allocation of three diversified fund of funds portfolio management mandates.
ERAFP has decided to include a multi-asset vehicle in its asset allocation diversification programme. It will award three mandates – one active and the other two stand-by – intended to implement diversified, flexible, dynamic and opportunistic asset allocation. The fund’s investment strategy is expected to deliver regular returns through a multimanagement approach covering diverse asset classes and strategies.
The manager will adopt a fundamental approach, without any benchmark constraint, to build a portfolio based on a rigorous asset allocation and fund selection process in compliance with ERAFP's SRI guidelines.
The portfolio will be managed as a French general purpose fund (FCP) dedicated to ERAFP. As an indication, the amounts to be invested within a three-year period could reach around €100 million.
The length of the initial contract is four years; ERAFP has the possibility of extending this contract by two successive two-year periods. The tender file is available at www.achatpublic.com. ERAFP’s website (www.rafp.fr) also has a link to this platform.