Press releases
ERAFP launches a call for tenders to select managers of euro-zone and European listed equities
ERAFP launches a call for tenders to select managers of euro-zone and European listed equities
ERAFP presents its voting policy and shareholder engagement strategy for 2016
In line with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), of which it is a signatory, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has updated its shareholder engagement guidelines and voting policy for 2016.
ERAFP launches a tender for selection of Private Equity and Infrastructure managers
As part of its policy of expanding its investment universe and in accordance with its SRI approach, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has launched a restricted call for tender for the award of Private Equity and Infrastructure mandates.
ERAFP launches the English language version of its new website
Paris, 19 November 2015 – On 3rd November 2015, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) launched the English language version of its new website, www.rafp.fr/en. The redesign of the website - a core component of ERAFP’s communications strategy - reflects its…
ERAFP teams up with Cedrus AM and amLeague to extend its work on decarbonisation
The French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has decided to extend its work on decarbonisation by teaming up with Cedrus AM and amLeague to establish, at the beginning of November, a virtual platform that managers can use to demonstrate their capacity to reduce the…
ERAFP updates the carbon footprint measurement of its portfolio of shares in major publicly traded companies and joins the Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition
Following up on its signature of the Montreal Pledge in 2014 and the commitment made with three other French institutional investors (see the press release of 21 May), ERAFP updated the measurement of the carbon footprint of its stock portfolio as of 31 December 2014. This…
ERAFP awards three euro-denominated SRI credit bond mandates
ERAFP awards three euro-denominated SRI credit bond mandates
ERAFP further strengthens its voting policy and clearly sets out its shareholder engagement strategy for 2015
In line with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), of which it is a signatory, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has updated its shareholder engagement guidelines and its general meeting voting policy for 2015.
ERAFP launches tender for selection of three SRI Pacific Equities managers
As part of its mandate renewal process, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has launched an open call for tenders for the award of three asset management mandates.
ERAFP awards three USD-denominated SRI bond mandates
As part of its policy to broaden the Scheme’s investment universe and in line with the five values of its SRI Charter, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has just awarded an active mandate and two stand-by mandates for the management of a USD-denominated…
ERAFP takes another step towards climate protection
ERAFP takes another step towards climate protection
ERAFP launches a call for tenders to select three Asia-Pacific SRI Equity investment managers and five euro-denominated SRI Bond investment managers
As part of the process of renewing its maturing mandates and of broadening its investment universe, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has launched a restricted call for tenders for the award of eight investment management mandates.